All Ultrasounds Are Performed By Registered Sonographers
Assurance Peek $65
10 Minute scan - 8 to 14 weeks, and 37 to 40 weeks.
Will include up to 5 black and white pictures
8 - 10 weeks
Baby will be extremely small but if baby can be seen well, images can be taken.
You may be able to see a heartbeat and some movements.
If mom has extra soft tissue, it may be hard to obtain images this early.
A full bladder is recommended.
You must have had an ultrasound with your physician for conformation of pregnancy.
11 - 14 weeks
For moms that may not be feeling movement yet or may not "feel" pregnant.
An Assurance peek may help ease anxieties.
View and hear baby's heartbeat (after 12 weeks)
See Baby move
37 - 40 weeks
For those moms-to-be that just want to see the baby one last time before the big day.
Listen to baby’s heartbeat
Watch baby is doing one more time before your delivery date.
Make sure baby is head down
Peek-A-Boo…Pink or Blue - $80
Early Gender Determination (as early as 14 weeks)
15 minute 2D session
5-7 black and white*
3 5x7 high quality bronze color pictures
3D/4D peak and picture
Discount off your next visit during current pregnancy
Peek-A-Boo…Look Who Grew - $195
Includes 2 separate full sessions…
Peek-A-Boo…Pink or Blue Package (as early as 14 weeks) AND
Sweet Peek Package (after 28 weeks)
Sneak Peek - $130
15-20 minute 3D/4D session
Gender determination (if requested)
Multiple black and white*
4 5x7 high quality pictures
Flash Drive of all photos suitable for printing and/or emailing to friends and family
Discount off your next visit during current pregnancy
Sweet Peek - $155
30-35 minute 3D/4D session
Gender determination (if requested)
Multiple black and white*
4 5x7 high quality pictures
Flash Drive of all photos suitable for printing and/or emailing to friends and family
Discount off your next visit during current pregnancy
Precious Peeks - $250
Two separate 30 minute 3D/4D sessions
First session between 22-28 weeks and second session after 28 weeks
Gender determination (if requested)
Multiple black and white (both sessions)*
4 5x7 high quality pictures (both sessions)
Flash Drive of all photos (both sessions) suitable for printing and/or emailing to
friends and family